Flakey Situation !!


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Do you have Aquaphor? If not, it's pretty cheap. My regular moisturizer doesn't help so I like to use a bit of that around my nose a while before putting on any other makeup and skincare and that helps. Exfoliating after would probably help even more.

Jan 22, 2013

Valkyrie F.

Do you moisturise before putting make up on? I tend to get this problem too. I use Nivea around my nose area and leave it for a couple of minutes before applying make up. Seems simple but it's effective for me and that's all that matters really. 

Jan 22, 2013

Stephanie S.

first use a moisturizer let that absorb in to your skin then use a primer let that settle for 5 mins then apply foundation.

Jan 22, 2013

Sophie S.

when I put my foundation on, my nose goes all flakey, how can I stop that from happening ?