Cat Eye / Wing Liner


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Feb 1, 2013

Jessica D.

Gel or liquid? I love the cat eye look but i can never decide what the best way to do it. I had the NYC liquid liner but it wasnt great and recently i got the Elf Pen liquid liner and that just is not going good at all! I want to buy a new one but idk if i should buy liquid or gel . Any suggestions??

Feb 1, 2013

Brittaknee C.

check out my post.
I really love maybellines new master duo.

Maybelline Master Duo Review

Feb 1, 2013

Jessica D.

Whats your blog i wanna see the brush and how it comes out @brittaknee C.

Feb 1, 2013

Megan M.

I like both. I think felt tipped liquid liners the best though. It feels funny at first cause its like colouring on your face with a marker but it works really well! 

Feb 1, 2013

Alicia G.

I agree with Megan and it really is like coloring on your face with a marker lmao

Feb 1, 2013

Jessica D.

Ya i know I've heard about felt tips. I personally like using pens because it so easy to apply but do you know of any good liquid eyeliners with felt tip?