Beauty Product Reviews

Best cream and liquid makeup brushes on the market

I’ve been using these for about 5 months now and I can’t live without them! I don’t know how I did my makeup before but these are amazing. Everyone of them. The soft concealer blends out like no other and I like the jumbo concealer for my color corrector. All these brushes are crafted in a way that they don’t disturb the Makeup under as you blend in creams foundations blushes bronzers highlights correctors - whatever just keep on blending right in and right on whatever is under them. The end result is a beautiful blended and diffused face. Worth every single penny!


If you only buy one Sonia G brush this is the one. So underrated it’s simply perfection for blush. I use Sonia G brushes exclusively and have almost all of them - even the new sets but this is my favorite. I use the mini cheek for highlight and the biggest fan for bronzer - that one is also great. This one I use last with my blush and it applies blush and blends everything together beautifully.


So soft and blends like a dream. My second brush purchase from Sonia G and I purchased the new keyaki travel set a couple of weeks ago and fell in love. Who knew how much difference a high end brushes would make in my makeup application?! This brush is just as good and I plan to pickup several more of these brushes to add to my collection. I am literally going to throw all my other brushes out. Even my Marc Jacobs bronzer brush. Nothing works even remotely close to these. If you’re on the fence just get them. You won’t regret it.