Beauty Product Reviews

This product is...dare i say, the bomb dot com! it works so well. It lasts and it makes you look model ready for the day. I use this almost every day and i just can't get enough of it. Every morning i wake up excited to use it. It has never let me down and i seriously doubt it ever will!

This stuff is perfect. It gives my lips a brilliant shine and doesn't get dry and sticky very quickly like most lip glosses. My lips can get pretty dry and crackly sometimes and lord knows, that's not the most attractive. But one swipe of this and I'm good to go! It keeps my lips looking super gorgeous for hours!

I loved this product. I works like perfection. I used to use alot of different types of powders all over my face and it just clogged my pores, no matter how much i washed my face. But this works like a charm! <3