Beauty Product Reviews


This brush I got to use with my Kevyn Aucoin Ariana Pure Powder Glow and this brush is just artfully crafted. The brush is sturdy and well built with amazingly smooth and soft bristles for the ability to build up on product if you'd like or just for the smooth flawless application this brush provides for you. DEFINITELY worth the purchase. Now I cant tell what's so different and amazing about certain brushes that are more pricey than the more affordable Real Techniques brushes and EcoTools brushes that I have.


So I bought this JUST because of the fact that it's named MY name! Also because of the fact that the manufacturer's finally got the spelling of it right and doesn't have two n's in it. But other than that gleeful fact, it's Kevyn Aucoin whom I've heard such great things about. The shade of it is perfectly subtle in just the right ways but also knows how to be noticed in just the right way. I ordered this on my own but my mom also knows that I've been wanting this so I secretly hope she ordered me one for Christmas just so I can have a back up one ready!


Okay it was definitely way bigger than I was expecting it to be. But man do I love it, it fits full size brushes and whatever product I need to put in be it full size or travel/mini size. I really love the lipstick kisses on it too, that's probably the main reason I bought it because of how unique that is versus any other makeup bag I could've gotten.