Beauty Product Reviews


Best sun protection ever! I will absolutely repurchase this over and over. This product is so handy to keep in your bag, to reapply throughout the day. I will be repurchasing this product.

Would repurchase... love this

I was concerned with the scent that it would bother my sensitive skin, but not at all. I used it while we were on vacation, and I was getting a little extra sun. It added an additional layer of moisture that my skin so desperately needed. If it was for the price, I would definitely repurchase this cream today. I love it.

Repurchase... love this

After I purchased this product last year, I saw a review, and thought oh no I'm gonna hate this stuff. I was pleasantly surprised. I love it. The texture is nice. It soothes my skin when it is angry, and feeling tight and itchy. The only off putting thing about is the scent, but I can handle that when the product is good.

Good coverage sunscreen

I really enjoyed this sunscreen. It worked well under my makeup. However, I didn't like the fact that it was tinted. I'm very fair, and it was a little bit dark for me. Otherwise, the coverage was great.


This gloss glides on smoothly and has very little stick to it. It is a sheer wash of color. Beautiful!!

Calm, soothing, serene

My scalp has never felt better. I suffer from an extremely dry, sensitive scalp. I have struggled for years to find products that don't weigh my hair down, or strip it of all the natural oils. I saw this shampoo, and thought I would give it a try. My hair looks fantastic and my scalp loves it.


I've been using this cream for about a year now, and I absolutely can't be without it in my collection. I have extremely dry, sensitive skin, and this works like a dream.

So far I've used this a handful of times and when I received it was excited, because I have dark hair and most products like this leave a white cast. However, at this point this point this product is not one I'm going to be reaching for on a regular basis. It just doesn't work for me. It's way too heavy for my fine hair. Yes, the product smells terrific, but that's not enough for me to keep reaching for it.

This is one of my favorite colors of blush. The color is beautiful and is smells lovely. It goes on so smoothly. It leaves a light wash of color on your cheecks. That is what I was looking for. Some may not be satisfied with the product, but I love it.

I am really disappointed with this product. Overall, the coverage is there and it does what it says. But man alive it stinks. Unless, I received a bad one it has such chemically smell I can hardly stand to use it.

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