Beauty Product Reviews

Incredible incredible incredible!

I have sensitive skin and this only gave me a slight prickling sensation in certain areas, not all over. Everything that has been said is true. This stuff rules. My skin was glowing and baby soft after this treatment. An amazing score. I'm 34 have pretty good skin overall, don't wear a lot of makeup, but as I get older, my party lines are a little more stubborn. With lifestyle/diet changes and good skincare like this, I've been able to basically reverse the visible signs of late night parties and rock n roll. I look fresh and innocent!

Absolutely dreamy

This might be the dreamiest lip product I've tried in a long time. It's an amazing lip moisturizer but also shifts to a lovely, sheer pink on the lips. Basically, it's a very tasteful mood lipstick in the form of a lip balm. It's friggin genius. For those of you who are wondering, like I was, if this seemingly clear balm has any color, the answer is yes. Your results might vary, but mine shifts to a very sheer but bright pink. My lips get pale so I'm always looking for something to wake my face up. I have a feeling I'll be using this for a LONG time.