IT Cosmetics

Bye Bye Pores Blush

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Megan K.
Perfect shade for light skin
Photo of product included with review by Megan K.

I’ve been using this bad boy for about a year now. It’s been my only blush for literally a year. I am hitting pan on it so I’m almost done with it, but would definitely purchase again in the future. It’s a really nice soft shade and if I accidentally put too much it’s not gonna like crazy. I recommend this product 100%

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risa m.

とても可愛い色味で、絶妙です。 ポッと滲んだ感じのチークになり、毛穴も目立たないです(^^) お値段も手頃なので買う価値あり♡ 他の色味も気になるなぁ。 梱包が丁寧で到着がかなり早いのも嬉しいです。

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Shape C.
Compliments my tones

I am not sure about the pore blurring since I don't put blush where I have a pore issue, but as far as the color blending nicely with my skin I am impressed. I like how it will last all day, too.

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Alexa B.
It's OK

Love the shade and it reaslly complement my skin tone. It can last my 15hr day without fading. Not sure about the pore blurring as I don't put blush where I have pores not for any other reason than I have strategic placement for powders because of my face shape.

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Vivian D.
Absolutely fantastic!!

For all my super oily and pore-y skin gals and boys out there, GET THIS BLUSH!! It's that good. And I am very very picky about my blush, but this one (combined with the It cosmetics bye bye pores powder), does wonders for my aging, oily, pore-y cheeks! And the color is naturally flattering too! Next on my list are the other 2 shades....:-)

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Tamara M.
Love this blush!

It really doesn’t show your pores! The shade, Naturally Pretty, I think would look great on any skin tone. It looks natural, and just the right amount of color. I will be ordering again.

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