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Jan 11, 2018

Tina K.

Happy New Year! And thank you for taking the time out to answer my skin care post as well as all the time you spend helping others with their skin care questions. it's good to know there are a few knowledge members still around!

Jan 31, 2018

Leuca S.

Does seem like the Talk section has died down quite a bit, but glad to help!

Mar 31, 2017

Roz X.

Why was I not following you? lol Fixed! Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Apr 1, 2017

Leuca S.

To be honest I've always wondered the exact purpose of following, but I'll take that as a compliment from somebody so knowledgeable! :)

Apr 2, 2017

Roz X.

Haha Well thank you very much. You're smart as a whip so I will take that as a compliment in kind. Following lets you see activity of posters you particularly enjoy easily through the notifications/recent activity on profiles. But, honestly, I also follow as a show of support and appreciation for interactive, helpful, and/or kind members. Thanks again for good word. :) Hope you have a fantastic week!

Feb 13, 2017

Nicole A.

Hey Leuca I was wondering what bloggers you like to watch (:

Mar 16, 2017

Leuca S.

This is a good question! I don't really watch youtube for tutorials like I did back when it was still a young platform for the beauty community. Much of my content intake comes in the form of makeup collectors/product junkies like Tarababyz, TotalMakeupJunkie101, The Fancy Face, CoffeeBreakwithDani, Stephanie Nicole, etc, but I still sometimes watch Tati and Jackie Aina, for examples of larger channels. Smaller channels that focus less on PR/advertising and more about their collections I find have the most accurate opinions because they spend a lot of time considering what they'll be buying and how it compares to the rest of what they own, rather than churning through the next trendy product sent to them for PR.

I've also recently gotten into Kimberly Clark, a drag queen who does a bit of social commentary and these cool videos called anti-hauls which are a great reality check when you find yourself spending money on products you don't need.

Sorry this took so long for me to notice!

Jan 13, 2017

Jessy L.

Hey! I made a post about my chest and back acne and you gave me some great skin care advice! I just have one question, I tend to have oily skin on my chest and back, but the differin.1% gel makes my skin a bit dry but not too much. I was wondering if I should look for a body wash that contains either salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide? What would be some good affordable body washes that you would recommend? I hear some good things about Alba Botanica, Thanks again! :)

Nov 17, 2016

NiK I.

Oh goodness you are so so beautiful.

Nov 27, 2016

Leuca S.

Wow, thank you! That just made my day. :D.

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Leuca S.

Location: Washington, D.C.

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