Beauty Product Reviews

Great frothy face wash

I have been using this product for a little over a week and i originally bought it in a state of emergency. I was experiencing some small dry spots on my face, a dry eyelid and dry skin under my eyebrows. I knew that I needed something that was proven to work and fast. Due to my skin being very sensitive, from a very young age, I couldnt just resort to anything. I had heard a lot about the Origins brand but never gave it a try until now and I absolutely love it!! My skin is feeling better than it has ever felt. Origins says that this wash is targeted for people with dry skin however, this face wash is called checks and balances for a reason. It is formulated to control the oily areas and moisturize the dry ones. i have combination skin, normal to dry on most of my face with an oily T- Zone, and i find that this works great for my skin. The face wash itself is a white, soft and creamy face wash that when it is mixed with a little warm water, it lathers very well into a frothy face wash. A little goes a long way for this product. The smell is a light and refreshing minty smell. When you are done using the face wash you will notice a difference almost instantly, I know that I did. My face looked a lot more even in color, there was less redness after using this face wash compared to my old ones and my skin was very smoother. There was not an inch of dryness or tightness in my face. Overall I highly recommend this product and I will purchase this item again in the future.