
Dog Training

Dog training is based the use and developement of the animal's natural qualities. A dog is always capable of improvement; the progress made through the domestication of the canine species proves that. But, even if the animal is able to aquire new skills through training, we should not forget that his natural capabilities are limited compared to those of humans and that they are different from one dog to another

In the case of a companion dog, for which the only requirement is to be well behaved, we are dealing with a simple education, and a little patience, goodwill and power of persuasion are enough to instill the basics of cleanliness, obedience, respect, walking on a leash with and so on to a puppy.

Training itself is done when we are dealing with a dog that is to receive a special task - hunting dog, police dog, guide dogs etc.
Training starts from the principle that what we request from the dog is rewarding to it (gives the dog an advantage, a reward), and what we disallow it to do will be followed by a penalty (if it doesn't subject). This connection between advantages and disadvantages is acquired by the dog through repeated practice, so the dog will act through reflex in the desired way.

Dog's Behaviour

A dog has desires, inclinations, joys. It knows how to prove love, courage, loyalty, pride, jealousy and fear. The dog has social instincts, a sense of justice and professional counsciousness. It has its own ways of communication that can be understood by the one who knows his dog well.

The same way the dog is able to know its master so well, that it knows when they are in good spirits, when they are sad or upset and they're better left alone, when they are not in the mood or don't have time to take care of it, the same way the dog knows its owner's voice and pace and understands them from a single sign, why wouldn't we also try to analize the behaviour of our dog in order to, through understanding his messages better, be able to understand our friend's universe better, for the benefit of both parties.

Although dogs sometimes commit actions that result from reasoning, their universe is still a different one from ours. They live in the world of scent, noise and movement. Through these filters must their acts be judged.

The dog has innate qualities and has ways of communicating we can understand. Some of them could be interpreted, leading to plausible explanations about their source, people thus managing to better understand dog's way of behaving.

We mustn't forget the fact that the dog's actions are performed in his own interest, in the conditions of living alongside humans. This is, in fact, the basis of dogs education principles. By presenting the advantages resulting from performing a task, its instinct develops accordingly.

To understand dog's behaviour, we must not forget that it originates from pack animals. Suspicion, alarm, searching, sadness when left alone, joy - all manifest under a coating inherent to pack animals, although much dimmed.

  • Added Aug 25, 2019

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