Make your own bronzer!


Here's how to make your bronzer at home! There are two ways to do this a powder or pressed powder
1. Get a container to place the lose powder
2. Mix a teaspoon of cocoa powder with a pinch of cinnamon the cinnamon will add a glow
3. You're done! SIMPLE!
-pressed powder-

1. You will need...a bowl, a spoon, water, cinnamon, cocoa powder and a empty container
2. Put a teaspoon of cocoa powder in the bowl
3. Add your pinch of cinnamon
4. Mix in a little but of water until it becomes thick
5. Place it in your empty compact container
6. Grab a paper towel or a baby wipe and push down to flatten it in the container
7. Clean around it and place in the fridge for about 10-15 min and you're done!! :)


  • Added Oct 2, 2013

New Arrivals


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