My Black Is Beautiful-My view on the dark-light skinned bias

  • Added May 28, 2011

New Arrivals


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Aug 31, 2011

Nadia B.

I'm really sorry you had to go through those horrible comments. I fall into the weird category of I'm not dark, but I'm not light either. Growing up it was confusing. However being on this earth for 31 years has taught me that the only person who can make you comfortable in your skin is you. I know it's irritating to be told you're pretty for a dark skinned girl. I used to get, you have such a pretty face. I was really fat growing up so I get how having your beauty picked apart can be annoying. We can't change people. People are going to be who they are no matter what. Just know that no matter what your skin tone is, you're a beautiful person.