Freshman Year Advice?


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Aug 17, 2014

Rissa G.

Oh gosh, haha..I so wish I could re-do high-school.

Aug 17, 2014

Caitriona H.

^ really? I wouldn't go back if you paid me.

Aug 17, 2014

Kira S.

Please, please, don't get overly attached to a boy! I realized after my freshman year that at that age, guys are wonderful friends (even my best friend is a guy), but don't know a thing about having a real relationship. Don't give your heart to someone at this age, because they aren't mature enough to treasure it like you deserve. 😊

Aug 17, 2014

Rissa G.

Yes Caitriona, but I'm a drop out yeah, I didn't take it seriously at all.

Aug 17, 2014

ramie x.

•homework and grades are more important than friends or boys, sad but true.
•don't over challenge yourself with classes, clubs, and sports: you'll end up dreading school.
•when you choose classes don't think of what your friends will take, think of what will benefit you
•freshman year is the easier year of high school so try to have fun

I'm going to be a junior this year and these are the tips I wish someone told me when I was a freshman

Aug 21, 2014

Shaye M.

Renay I wish I could do it again too lol! I finished grade 12 though but still wish I'd maybe participated in the younger years, I was the worst teenager lmao.