Birth Control And Acne?!


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Dec 27, 2012

Dar H.

Fuck your doctor if he judges you then just punch him in da face, this happens to so many people at this age so you're not alone! 

Dec 27, 2012

Sandra R.

dont be scared...i was nervous too but they answer all your questions:)

Dec 27, 2012

Juliana M.

Thanks ladies! I'm just kind of scared talking to my doctor about it. I feel like he's going to judge me or something 

Dec 27, 2012

Alice H.

@Marilyn It doesn't matter if you're sexually active or not. Birth control regulates your hormones, so if your acne is hormonal, it could help. But it kind of depends on what formulation you're using. There are different types of oral birth control that have different amounts of estrogen and progesterone. Talk to your doctor about your concerns and questions, they would have more information for you about what the best steps would be.

Dec 27, 2012

Yasmine K.

I dont know but i guess ur too young to take it maybe it will affect ur ability of getting pregnant later when u want to ... Please ask a doctor first

Dec 27, 2012

Allison W.

Yea. I would ask your doctor and maybe see what would be best for you. 

Dec 27, 2012

Melissa E.

I went on BC to help with acne & crazy I can't get out of bed cramps. It helped with both and it doesn't matter if you're sexually active or not. I wasn't when I first started. It'll only help with hormone related acne. 

Dec 27, 2012

Juliana M.

I guess it depends on the person.

Dec 27, 2012

Allison W.

It does help with cramps a little, my friends say it works for their cramps alot, i just have them baddd but i do notice it helps with cramps and heaviness of your period. 

Dec 27, 2012

Juliana M.

Thanks for the advice! I also have real bad cramps when I get my monthly gift from Mother Nature haha but I was thinking why not shoot 2 birds with one stone. If it doesn't show any difference I don't see why I would have to go threw the trouble of taking it everyday.

Zuri F.

Dec 27, 2012

Zuri F.

acne is due to hormones and birth control can help to balance your hormones, if you want to use it for acne I'd recommend you consult your Dr first 

Dec 27, 2012

Allison W.

Thats not true because when I first went on it I was active too but it didnt do anything to my skin at all. 

Dec 27, 2012

Yesenia P.

I would recommend you speak to your doctor. They can answer any questions you may have =D

Dec 27, 2012

Allison W.

Im on it and Ive been on a couple different brands but havent seen a drastic change in my skin at all. I didnt have that bad of skin to begin with though. I dont notice much of the size effects they tell you about like weight loss or gain, control of acne...things like that. It could be just me though. 

Dec 27, 2012

Juliana M.

Okay so I'm 15 and I have bad skin. Pimples to black heads to white heads. I have tried everything from drugstore to high end trying to get rid of them and nothing works. I've head that birth control helps acne. Is that true? And if anyone does which brand to you use?