Lip Balm Problems


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Dec 30, 2012

Skyy W.

Your lips need to be healed from their dryness first. Lip balms that aren't medicated are made to hydrate lips that are in a healthy condition. Drink water...drink water...& drink WATER!!! This will help your lips from within & it will also help keep your body hydrated. Lip scrubs should be your best friend! The sugar lip scrub is GREAT. Also Mary-Kay has a great lip scrub (shocker...I know) !!! The lip scrub will help eliminate the dead skin which will help you make sure you're hydrating the new healthy skin & not dead skin. You'll have to continue trying out different lip balms until you find the one that works for you. You seem to have developed a good collection of add drinking plenty of H2O & a lip scrub to your beauty regimen & keep trying out the balms you have. Using a medicated balm at night will help also.

Think of your lips a you would your face. You wash, scrub, & hydrate your face to keep it looking fresh. You should do the same for your lips!!!

Hope this helps!!! :)

Dec 30, 2012

Melissa M.

Blistex DCT

Dec 31, 2012

Juliana M.

@Sky thanks for the tips! And I usually make my own lip scrub with brown sugar olive oil and honey, should I stop using that and get a the Mary Kay one?