How to Become a Makeup Artist?


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Wait so how do you become a cosmetologist or a cosmetologist instructor? :/ 

wow Yasmin! your so knowledgeable! I love it! Too bad Hawaii doesn't have any makeup schools. Just cosmetology..and a few classes that offer certificates..but I do plan on going to cosmetology school getting my license and then doing hair and makeup. I really would love to do runway, tv, special effects makeup, and glamor makeup..theres so much to learn though! And I know cosmetology school won't teach it all, so I think after I graduate and get my license I will look into some of the makeup trainings they have, just to learn more on makeup. 

Dec 11, 2010

Amanda K.

you can still get the discounts being a freelancer without a diploma. at least with mac pro you can, if you're legit, and relatively well known or established. you can use a business card plus an editorial , employee letter, a union card if you're an actress or model, a copy of a crew/call list for a production, press material, headshot, resume if youre a performer, publication asthead, etc.. i think they realize that not all muas went to esthetician school

"Wait so how do you become a cosmetologist or a cosmetologist instructor? :/"

Beauty school. I'm oversimplifying it but the bottom line comes to hours you put into beauty school. Example in my state these are the requirements:

Minimum required school hours
* Cosmetologist—1600 hours
* Barber—1000 hours
* Manicurist—600 hours
* Esthetician—600 hours

Minimum required apprenticeship program hours
* Cosmetologist—2000 hours
* Barber—1200 hours
* Manicurist—800 hours
* Esthetician—800 hours

And as Amanda K. pointed out, you can still get a MAC Pro card as a freelance but it's not the end all of makeup companies. While I like MAC I also hate the fact that EVERY ONE practically uses it because it IS the EASIEST pro card to get. To me it's the Costco of the makeup world because Costco USE to be exclusive only to business owners, union employees, state employees and teachers now it's open to EVERYONE.

hm, all this stuff makes me think wow i dont know anything! haha but thanks for all of it. i think if i do think of going to school do you think the states is a good place to go? like maybe in CA or smth :/ ? i lived in asia my whole life and i honestly dont know. 

"all this stuff makes me think wow i dont know anything" -- lol -- well considering that there is so much more to makeup artists than beauty makeup I would most people who consider themselves as MUA (mostly the self-taughts) really don't know much but the basics unless they're serious about the industry (IMHO).

I look at YT "gurus" like Michelle Phan, Queen of Blending and Kandee Johnson, to name three of the more popular ones, and they rehash the same looks over and over but in different colors. Don't get me wrong, I still like some of their work but it getting really boring when you see the same look over and over but just in different colors and slight variations.

There are many places all over the world that have great makeup artist schools. There are eight makeup artist schools in London (England) alone. Several good ones in France then there's the Vancouver Film School in Canada, Making Faces Make-up Studio in Australia, and so many more out there. Of course there are dozens in the United States are all top notch. The thing is you need to do the research to see which offers the courses you want to take.

If you can ever go to The International Makeup Artists Trade Show (IMATS) I would recommend going. You'll get the idea that there is just so much to the makeup artist industry than just what the YT gurus show. There is fashion magazine makeup, fashion show makeup, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, bridal, beauty, tv, movies... the list goes on and on.

If you can go to the IMATS in Sydney next year (September 24 & 25, 2011) I would HIGHLY recommend going.

Here are some photos from the IMATS in Toronto, Canada that shows you there is just so much to learn in the MUA industry than what you see YT gurus do.

i know i really want to go to IMATS!! ): i mean not just for the shopping haha but for the experience. im actually going to melbourne on the 26th for christmas break so maybe ill check out some beauty schools there and stuff! thank you so much for all the information!

No problem.

If you want to become a MUA then you can do it. I tell my daughters that no matter what someone else says to you the only person who can stop you from following your dreams is yourself.

Here's more info on upcoming IMATS:

"Esthetican - Facials, waxing, some makeup (but again most cosmetology/beauty schools do not get in depth with makeup). Can't do nails or hair."

sorry for asking so much ):
so youre saying that no schools get into depth with make up?? cause thats what im really interested in :/ 

From personal experience, not all schools will. Granted I haven't been to beauty school in a very long time and not all schools have the same criteria. I DO recall there IS a beauty school in... the UK I think, that does teach cosmetology AND makeup artistry. Just do the research into the school you want to go - either cosmetology or makeup artistry and see what they offer. Research is the key.

Mar 6, 2011

Nathalie V.

Cosmetology schools are extremely expensive (anywhere from $3000 - $20,000) , and are usually around 40 weeks long so you can't work full time while in school, so adding in the loss of work can cost a fortune.

Most schools offer "student aid" but are really just student loans, leaving you in debt when you graduate.

There are ways to legally work as a make-up artist without a license and in fact earn more than getting a traditional job at a salon.

I won't discuss it here but if want to know how to get around the license requirement feel free to contact me  (

Mar 18, 2011

Nadjia H.

cosmetology school is a school that focuses 90% on hair... the other 10% is nails and esthiology. I am starting cosmetology in June, because I want to get licensed in hair cutting, styling, dying, etc.. but you do not need a cosmetology license to be a freelance makeup artist. What you need is make a portfolio of different makeup looks that you have done on friends, family, etc. Make business cards and distribute them to different schools with theater programs so that you can gain experience there too. If you want to get a degree in stage makeup, you can do that too...but you don't need it to do freelance. To get a job as a makeup artist will depend on the regulations of the particular place/state/country..etc..

hope this helps :) 

Mar 18, 2011

Avi C.

I am actually taking the 3 week makeup program at the beauty school here in NY. dont need a license here but the certificate is always nice. Plus the extra training doesnt hurt.

Mar 18, 2011

Nathalie V.

By the way if any of you are in south florida, the company I work with is holding a training later this month where you can get certified on one of the hottest cosmetics lines out there and learn to do custom blend foundation and minerals.

Custom blends are really great because once you've matched someones skin tone/color and created their own special formula of foundation they will always come back to you for refills.

The company also holds training in other states so feel free to contact me if you want more info and I can check when the next training in your area is.


I have three friends that just finished the Master Makeup Artist program at Blush School of Makeup in San Francisco. Although expensive, they said they thought it was worth it. They said a great thing about the school was that they got to network, not only with the other artists and teachers, but with the professional photographers and models that come in on a weekly basis.

Another great, and free, way to get your foot in the door is to contact the professional makeup artists in your area and see if you can assist them on some jobs. You won't get paid but its hands on training. 

Mar 28, 2011

Kris E.

Everyone here has given great advice. No, you don't truly need to go to beaty school for it, but to HAVE IT ON PAPER seriously makes a difference in a lot of cases, especially in a business aspect. People like to have some sort of "proof" to feel more secure about what you do (but your work will do most of the talking). A lot of people reach success without certification, but believe me.. get one anyways just in case. PLUS, it makes you look good on resumes when potential clients see that you've gone as far as going to school to hone your craft.

Keep in mind that make-up artistry comes naturally. It's a skill that you constantly have to work on and learn about, and make-up classes will only teach you the history and basic techniques/tricks to achieve YOUR personal style. The WAY you blend, the WAY you apply, the WAY you see things, is ALL YOU and no one can "teach" you that. Make sure to always practice, experiment, think outside the box, and to soak in every bit of inspiration possible. Keep track of all your work; take pictures of any look you do, professionally or just at home. It's a good way to build a look-book.

NETWORKING IS ALSO KEY! as it can lead to bigger & better clientele by word-of-mouth & making a name for yourself. Go out of your way to speak with make-up artists AS WELL AS fellow aspiring artists. You'll find a lot of motivation and encouragement that way.

And most importantly, BE CONFIDENT!! Never second-guess yourself, believe in what you do, and never forget your passion for the industry. Good luck honey!!

Mar 31, 2011

Nathalie V.

Motives® by Loren Ridinger has a PRO-ARTIST program, similar to MAC in that you can then purchase at about a 40% discount.

Also the line is not sold in stores which is a huge benefit (i.e. - if you use or recommend MAC products to a client, when they need to reorder they can go buy it on their own). With the Motives line they have to come back to you.

The quality is equivalent to Chanel and other high-end lines but priced at around MAC prices:

Apr 2, 2011

Kris E.

**FY** IF YOU'RE IN THE TR-STATE AREA, I HIGHLY SUGGEST LOOKING INTO EMPIRE BEAUTY SCHOOL IN MANHATTAN (Right in the Empire State Building) They have their OWN make-up artistry program -- NOT a part of their cosmetology program -- if you're interested

Apr 5, 2011

Stephanny P.

does anybody know if the makeup artistry program in empire beauty school worth going to im stuck between empire and chic studios in nyc

Apr 5, 2011

Avi C.

I begin that program in may. I got a tour and met a few students there. They love it and have no regrets. I cant wait.

Lots of great advice, love it all. =)

Nov 16, 2011

Joan R.

look into Skyline College San Bruno CA... They have a great Cosmetology program!

Nov 16, 2011

Lauren F.

I'm not from the area, i live in boston, but going to cosmetology school is def the way to go! i graduated in 07 and now have my type 1 license, which basically allows me to do anything beauty related. im sure its different where you live, but i'm sure its the same idea.. its always a good idea to have all different skills under your belt if you want to work in fashion.
and don't you think you'd feel more official having a license? hhaha i do!