Blackheads/Cystic Acne


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Jul 16, 2012

Manuela B.

Not really, some people are prone to cystic acne and some just get it, like me :/ Two days ago my chin got bombarded with about 5 cysts , its probably from not taking off my make up correctly or lack of sleep, or something triggers cystic acne, the trick is to kind of find out what it is and prevent it kinda... if that made sense lol

Jul 17, 2012

Kenzi S.

Same thing happens to me! In fact, i just got some. And i get it in the hormonal area, but you know, it's just not always /that/ time. Lolol. What do you do to try and prevent it?

Jul 17, 2012

Manuela B.

Lol yeah "that" time does affect it alot, ummm right now, like i said I press them with a warm towel and wash my face really good twice a day. Im used the acne cream, Differin, but that burnt my skin on my chin. sooooo ive opted to just super cleansing it with a gel wash and pressing them down

Jul 18, 2012

Kenzi S.

Owh :[ Sorry it burnt your skin. Blehh. So, what about blackheads? What do you do for those?

Jul 18, 2012

Manuela B.

Those are just impurities, dirt, oil, sweat..... hormones lol. just make sure your washin for your face super good and exfoliate at least once a weak!! :)

Jul 19, 2012

Kenzi S.

Alright :} I notice when I do sugar/lemon juice scrub and/or a honey mask it really helps

Jul 19, 2012

Manuela B.

you know what else really helps, take 2 uncoated aspirin tablets and add a few drops of water, enough to make a paste, exfoliate your skin with that leave it on for like 5-10 mins and wash off. Its and amazing micro exfoliator plus super cleans and tightens your face!!

Jul 19, 2012

Jessica T.

I use some D.I.Y toners, scrubs, mask etc to cure mine and since ive been doing it i haven't had any, taking aspirin and water helps take away redness and some of the pain. 1/3 water, 1/3 witch hazel and 1/3 apple cider vinger mixed into a bottle and applied on your face at night followed by a moisturizer also helps.Using lemon juice helps fade the marks left behind just wash it off before you go outside in the sun. I have some others on a topic i made here and can send you more if your interested.

Jul 20, 2012

Kenzi S.

Yes, Jessica :D Thank you :3

Jul 20, 2012

Jess B.

I'm not a dermatologist, but I have suffered from acne and cystic acne since I was about 12. I'm 28 now, and I wish it would just hurry up and disappear, but nope! Anyway, I think the best thing you can do is not look for something that will cure you - because that doesn't exist. What you need to do is find out what products, systems or services will help get your acne under control, and keep it there. For me, it's the Exposed Skincare range of products. I've had amazing results from using it, and I did have cystic acne when I started. Other than that, I am a huge fan of eliminating things from your diet to see if something you're ingesting is causing the acne to occur. I am in love with green tea, and find it has a wonderful effect on my skin when I drink 2-3 cups of it a day. I also just wanted to make a comment on the Clarisonic, and that is - proceed with caution. I own the Clarisonic Pro, and although I do not regret my investment, I found it severely dried out my skin and it has never fully recovered. Also, my skin loved it for a little while, then it started to hate it. I still use it on my chest and back when I have break-outs there, and find that is the most effective use for it overall. 

Jul 20, 2012

Kenzi S.

Well Im certainly glad I didnt buy it then! It seems like it tears your skin up rather than doing it good