Acne Treatment


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May 8, 2012

Danielle K.

Hey guys! I need help finding a new acne treatment. I've tried Proactiv, Neutrogena Products, and Clean and Clear. I saw results in all of these for about a week, then my skin started breaking out worse than normal for weeks. I've done some research and a brand called Exposed Skincare seems to be a popular choice, but I'm still not sure which route to take! If you all can give me some suggestions, that would be awesome! Thanks in advance!

May 8, 2012

Consuelo A.

well if you have tryed ALOT of products and they just dont help, you may need to see a dermotologist. Some times, it's just the way your body is and theirs nothing you can really do. But if you really wanna try some thing, 1) try drinking atleast 2-3 glasses of watter every day. Yr body needs wattter and when it's low on watter it producess EXTRA OIL to compensate for the lack of watter, hence loads of shine, break outs adn oily sking. 2) try Avons "clearskin professional" treatment. it's not as expensive as proactive and the best part is , that if it makes things worst or it dosnt work at all you CAN return it even AFTER you have opened it and tryed it, even if its been like 40 days. Just dont send the thing back all empty ;)

May 9, 2012

Ari T.

i use Clean Start and got a Great result the next day + if ur picky they smell good

I had great results with Juice Beauty when my skin was acting wild. I liked the fact that they did trial sets, so you could see how you managed for a week or two before committing to the full size products.

It is worth looking at what you're doing to your skin as well.. There are times that we do too much in an effort to calm our skin down, when we're really just irritating it. A good friend of mine used to exfoliate a lot because she had oily skin. When she mentioned it, I suggested she dial down the frequency and it's settled down significantly. While your situation may not be so straight forward, it's definitely worth taking some time to see if you can find the culprit.

Might also be worth making an appointment with your dermatologist. Maybe you've developed a sensitivity to something in your routine. 

Here's your first problem: on ANY acne system, your skin is going to get worse before it gets better. It rids your skin of surface acne (when you think your skin is getting better) and then brings deep acne forward (when you think its getting worse) and rids it of that too, and your skin will be clear after that except for a few trouble pimples every now and then. You have stick with the same products for a couple months in order for it to be effective, not just a week :) With that said, I enjoy Clinique's 3 step acne system.

Skin products aren't going to be enough, you have to make sure you don't eat a lot of dairy and sugar products, eat healthy, sleep as long as you can and drink LOADS of water. I had really bad skin when I was younger and changing my lifestyle helped me the most (daily exercising as well). Now I can't even find a single pimple on my face. Try to combine it with skincare and you'll see much better results :) It's worth it

Jena O.

May 10, 2012

Jena O.

I agree with Nicole F-she knows her stuff! I had the same problem and use the same tips myself. It's 80% of whats going on inside and what you are ingesting. 20% of what you apply to your skin. I love Murad's Acne Clarifying supplement it heals, prevents acne, detoxifies the body, full of antioxidants and inflammatory's (Necessary for acne, a inflamed disorder) & Murad exfoliating acne gel has worked wonders =)

Jun 30, 2013

Carabelle R.

Looking for ways to get rid of acne! Try this DIY home remedy! 100% organic, fit for all skin types! Find it in my photo gallery! Do check it out if you wish to!

Adios Acne♡Mask of sweetness

Hope I helped♡
xo Carabelle