Skin problem help


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Oct 27, 2016

Aryanna G.

Hey girls so I have had a weird little red skin tag thing on my cheek for about 1 year now I have left it alone because it's small and did not really bother me in the past but I have had it for so long it's starting to get on my nerves but if anyone knows what it is or how I can get rid of it I would really appreciate it thanks in advance:) ( if you need anymore info I will be happy to provide it)

Oct 27, 2016

Sasha P.

If it's been there for a while try going to the doctors they can help reduce it or even try little home remedies.

Oct 28, 2016

Concetta P.

What did you apply on your face?? It will be better if you know the reason due to red skin tag..

Oct 28, 2016

Leuca S.

Best to see a derm.