do you do Vaseline ?


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Jan 6, 2013

Stef R.

It halts your cell growth and does all sorts of weird crap to your body apparently. I stay away personally.

Jan 6, 2013

Jorie C.

I use it on my lips at night because my lips have lost moisture due to the cold weather. Usually Vaseline restores the moisture for me

Jan 6, 2013

Alyse M.

YES Krissy!!! I just got tired of saying it lol

Jan 6, 2013

Krissy F.

Ladies- Vaseline is Petroleum Jelly- petroleum is used in gasoline and has no moisturizing benefits at all. It only simulates the feeling but its best only occasionally as a skin barrier. Try an all natural salve, oil or moisture balm. Soooo much more effective and won't damage your skin or your body. I love using Vitamin E oils straight from Capsules, and go in your kitchen and grab the olive oil which is Sooo good for your skin! Jojoba is great for scaley skin because it removes the flakes and heals. Cocoa Butter bars without mineral oil, almond oil, the list goes on & on. But dump the gasoline & save it for your car ;)

Jan 6, 2013

Stephanie M.

I think vaseline is the ultimate beauty product. It's has so many uses. I use it to remove makeup, moisturize dry areas and as a lip balm. 

Jan 6, 2013

Lauren M.

Try cetiphil ( ok I can't spell it) but its really sensitive but not as goopy

Jan 6, 2013

Karen C.

Amrita M. totally nailed it.

Jan 6, 2013

Alyse M.

please consider using alba un-petroleum instead. it is, like it says, not petroleum. but it's the same texture/consistency. It's made with castor oil, coconut oil, etc. 

Jan 6, 2013

Kim P.

You can use Vaseline anywhere. People who are skeptical have never tried it, and if it did ruin their skin I'd like to know what it did so I can be warned in advance. It leaves my skin soft, and I'm pale so my under-eyes lack pigmentation, plus they're thin so they get dark and baggy easily. Not so much baggy as dark, but anyway I use my ring finger (its the finger with least muscle control, so your less likely to bruise the skin under your eyes, fun fact of the day) and gently rub vaseline on it. I also rub vaselina over the areas of my face that get dry, and it works immensely well. As long as you exfoliate a bit before it, the minerals and moisture should soak in well, I truthfully don't think it's a 'sealer'. I've used Vaseline my whole life. I honestly highly recommend it if you get dry skin or just want a glowy look when you wake up. 

Jan 5, 2013

Meg T.

Vaseline is non comedogenic. It's an urban legend that it clogs pores. I use it on my lashes and eyebrows to condition and use Vaseline and a cotton bud to exfoliate my lips. Sometimes when my skin gets extremely dry I will use it as a moisturizer. 

Jan 5, 2013

Amrita M.

Vaseline cannot moisturizer as it is a sealer, yes if applied on moisturizer skin or after a shower it will seal & lock in moisture, as for eye lashes, all it does it buildup on the lashes and give the appearance of thicker lashes, I tried . And it does not clog pores, I'm very acne prone and use it on my entire face at night in winters 

Jan 5, 2013

Caitlin M.

Ehhh I'm skeptical about it as well, with it being a petroleum product. I don't like the texture either, way too greasy for my taste. But if it works for you go for it!! Just not my cup of tea. 

Jan 5, 2013

SavvyBby M.

Before you go to bed, rub Vaseline on your eyelid and lash line, it makes your eyelid soft and healthy, as well as your lashes, they become stronger, and after a while they get longer:)

Jan 5, 2013

Tone D.

on lashes :)

Jan 5, 2013

Emma T.

If you put it on your lashes before bed it makes them longer. And I always use it on my lips

Jan 5, 2013

Sarah C.

good job, just 3 more weeks then :). I can see a tiny difference in my eyelashes, it's much easier to apply mascara.

Jan 5, 2013

Enisa A.

It works on your eyelashes and it makes them grow & it makes your lips and soft I use it alote

Jan 5, 2013

Ave M.

Vaseline does not clog pores. But it is a petroleum product which makes me skeptical about putting it in my face. I know lots of people that do it though and they look great.

Jan 5, 2013

Karrie R.

Yes it does just takes like 4wks of applying 

Jan 5, 2013

Sarah C.

is it true that Vaseline helps your eyelashes grow and get thicker? iv been applying it on every night before bed for the past week, I hope im not wasting my time.

Jan 5, 2013

Sarah J.

I use Vaseline on my lips and its quite helpful to prevent chapping. 

Jan 5, 2013

Talulla K.

I use Vaseline around my nose, mouth, and eyes. I think it works really well if you apply it before bed so that it has all night to sink into your skin. 

Jan 5, 2013

Emily N.

I use Vaseline for my lips and eyes. And the Vaseline lip therapy only has one ingredient, petroleum so it's basically just Vaseline in a really small container

Jan 5, 2013

Tyler B.

Yes, it's a handy product to have.

Jan 5, 2013

Rebecca S.

I try to avoid petroleum products. Ever tried shea butter? Other people on this site have had good luck with carrier oils. hope this doesn't offend you