This is going to sound a little weird but.


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Feb 26, 2015

Demetria S.

It could be anything from the shampoo they use to their car scent to the smell of their home. Some ppl also have a natural smell (ex. All babies smell the same to me, weird? I know)

What about a subtle perfume. Something light? Justin Berbers someday is very light for the younger crowd (& people that don't like the heavy smell of perfumes)

Feb 26, 2015

Dy D.

@shanae it makes sense! I know exactly what you're talking about lmao.

Feb 26, 2015

Kaleigh D.

I think it has a lot to do with their house! You might have an easier time with lasting scents if you use the same or similar scent lotion/body wash/spray. If you put the lotions on right after a shower or bath I find the scent lasts longer. Also, some scents just don't last from there :p.

Feb 26, 2015

Diana T.

Not all perfume has to be overwhelming - especially if you only use one or two sprays from the bottle - but it's usually their shampoo/conditioner or hair care products that seem to give a lasting scent - but you probably have one too you just don't notice it because you constantly are exposed to it - but I'm sure other people smell it.

Feb 26, 2015

Ashley D.

You probably do have a scent, you just are so use to it that you can't smell it anymore. If you want you can use different laundry detergent and try using a perfume.

Feb 26, 2015

Emily O.

I have a scent. It doesn't smell to well though...

Feb 26, 2015

Maggie H.

Any of the bodyshop scents last me all day 😄

Feb 26, 2015

Shanae J.

I've noticed that too. I think it's their house, they wash their clothes with the scent boosters stuff and their house smells like that, over time it just sticks. Idk if that never any sense at all but.. in my head it does haha.

Feb 26, 2015

Dy D.

How do you get a scent??

You know how some people in your school/work have a certain type of scent? How do you get that lmao

I don't smell bad or anything. I've just noticed some people just have it.

Also my bath and body works lotion or spray never lasts more than an hour. And I don't wear perfume because I don't like that heavy/choked up overwhelming feeling.

Do you know of any *long-lasting* body lotions/sprays?