Help with covering hair bumps-LONG, Sorry


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Dec 30, 2012

Kwnn B.

Gabriela a thanks...yea I agree...shaving is so awful! No the hair is not strong enough...this facial for some reason is so darn just will not come off with the cream removers...hate that too. I am willing to try anything...may have to find that soap!

Dec 30, 2012

Kwnn B.

Victoria d thanks...may have to try the epilator...I have heard of it before. 

Dec 30, 2012

Amy P.

I invested in a laser for $250 that I can use at home and it's a pain to use. I have to wear sunglasses and use creams before I laser. But I can do it myself. I wish I had tried the Tria instead, I have heard it does work. I also have to pluck in between treatments, I make sure my tweezermans are sharp, use alcohol to keep them clean and wash with cetaphil cleanser everyday. 

Dec 30, 2012

Elise L.

what about the no no hair removal system... it zaps away hair. I had one year's ago I used on my legs it worked just fine. I would stay away from shaving it does tent to leave behind in grown hairs .. I dont know if this is even helping you! I am sorry

Have you heard of an epilator? Its basically a little handheld thing that looks almost like a hand held shaver, but its got like, 30 pairs of tweezers on it. It basically plucks all the hairs out, some girls swear by it for the legs, under arms, and facial hair.
I personally have never used one, but I want one! It might be the least-irritating option, since shaving is bad for your skin, and those creams are harsh too!

Dec 30, 2012

Gabriela A.

Shavin' might not be your best resort because it is horribly bad for your skin. Does the Nair Facial Hair Removal creme really not work?? & maybe this will also help. There is a mexican soap called Asepxia that removes bumps & things of that sort from your face due to shavin' & waxin' & whatnot. I wish you luck! :D

Dec 30, 2012

Kwnn B.

I have a REALLY bad case of facial hair on my entire chin area below my cheeks and under my chin. I used to get laser hair removal (for 3 years) on a regular basis when I lived in Atlanta. At the center I was going to, the dr told me (because I asked) that I was the worst case she had ever seen (thats just how bad its is--not in denial, i know that its bad). Now I am in Arkansas and I had a really botched treatment here so I refuse to try again, as for dark skin, there is a specific laser that has to be used and clearly they did not have it. (They burned me really badly) So until I can get back to my center in Atlanta, I'm stuck.

So I have had to resort to shaving (which leaves so much stubble and I hate the stubble feeling so badly) and plucking (which I know very well not to do but at this point it can't get worse than the worse it already is)...but since again I have sooooo much hair, it takes HOURS to even pluck it all. HOURS. Tried waxing and I literally have to wax over and over on the same spot to even remove two strands of hair...a HUGE waste of time. My face merely laughs at cream hair removals...been there done that a thousand times over too. This coarse hair just will not play fair. I am just So over this whole scene at this point.

Well now I am in a desperate situation because no matter what method I use to remove the hair, I can't cover the bumps left from shaving and the scaring and dark spots left from plucking! I am wondering what I could use on black skin that will actually offer me the support and coverage for as smooth a finish as possible, considering what I'm working with? Any help/advice on this would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Kwnn B.

Little Rock, Arkansas