NYX Cosmetics

Round Lipstick

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Marlene M.
Complete disappointment

I'm only giving this product a low rating because of the color. The formula is smooth and not drying at all but the color Stella is HORRIBLE!!! When I purchased it I thought it was gonna be a really pretty pinkish coral color, but boy was I wrong. When I applied it to my lips it was a bright, pastelish barbie pink that looked like I put a melted crayon on my lips. On top of that it has huge CHUNKS of glitter in it. Most lipsticks have shimmer in it but this thing had full on chunks of glitter. I was super disappointed with this color.

Nahomi L.
not the best

I bought 2 NYX lippies from ULTA, the red one is alright but i thought Stella would have been a brighter pink. I have to layer it for it to be even a teeny bit bright. It's more of a balm than lipstick... Very smooth though, I WOULD buy it again though. :)