Pressed Powder


Sofia M.

Nars are my favorite makeup brand their lipsticks, foundations and blushers are just a few of many of my faves. Loved them since day uno! So my skins combination sometimes can be really dry others extremely oily, after using my daily foundation (moisture rich bobbi brown) throughout the day I seen to get oily on my oh so famous T zone so I thort why not invest in a powder. This is when I bourght the Nars press powder...ive been using this for more than 6 months, & seen nothing I would love to see. It does control oiliness for like 10 minutes and when put on too much its look way to cakey. I deffo wont be re purchasing this again and dont know what to do with the rest of the product :( but Nars I stillll heart YU! I wudnt recommend this to oily skin types.