Casual Color


Marlene  A.
Perfect summer cream blush

OK, so I am a NW45, and if you are anywhere near my shade, you may not feel confident wearing a cream blush or a cream blush that is so pink and light. But don't overlook this product because you are DEAD WRONG. I love this product and I have been using it all summer long. It's so easy to apply and it gives that glowy look that you often find on brides in bridal magazines or when magazines do a beach photo shoot where the girl skins looks wet and moist, better yet, J.LO's skin, because J.LO loves that glowy skin like in "I'm into you" video. You can use one finger, rub it around the pot, and dab it on your cheekbone. Then once you are done with that, you can use 3 fingers and press it down onto you skin. It is such a light and great product. I will recommend this one. I'm very glad with this purchase.