Beauty Product Reviews

I really like this product. At first, I had to get used to the really baby-pink color it is when you first apply it, but it really blends well and covers. I have found though that the first step moisturizer was actually quite drying under my eyes for some reason. So I just use my regular under eye cream instead and use it over that and it works just fine. Even better actually. I don't get much caking with this product, and if I do, it tends to be at the end of the day.

I bought this powder because I had read some rave reviews about it and really wanted to try something new. I have never written a review here before, but I felt I had to give a heads-up that the amount of product you get is very little. I started using mine in November, and by mid-January, it was already gone! I was quite shocked actually, and hadn't even realized as I was using it just how little actual powder was in the packaging. I suppose I could have researched that a bit more before purchasing, but I never expected I would need a new one after two months. I didn't even use it every day, and when I did, I would only use it once in the morning. I have had loose powders from other brands that have lasted me for over a year, so this to me, at a price of over $70 (!! *not including shipping to Europe), was definitely not worth the money at all.

I will add that the powder itself is very good and I did like it a lot. Like I said, I only used it once a day and then I was set, and rarely needed to re-apply. It blends very nicely and really evens everything out. Just know that you will be getting very little (3 grams to be exact) for your money.