Beauty Product Reviews

Too Faced Natural Eye Palette was the very first high end palette that I've ever purchased. When I started really getting into makeup I wanted something that I knew would be fool proof, age-appropriate, and something I could wear on a daily basis. Because of this pallet, eyeshadow became my favorite thing about make up. I learned how to do your basic natural eye, create a soft smokey eye, control glitter, and wear naturals like a champ. Although this palette comes with three eyeshadow guide charts you can also make up your own looks. The versatility of this pallet is endless, beginner friendly, and it's vegan which is really good plus. I would highly recommend this to any make up fanatic/ makeup curious individual whom may be just beginning or advanced. You won't regret it because of how easily the colors blend and how easy it is to achieve the perfect natural look you're after.