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Hi Lily, I wanted to help you choose your foundation. First, remember the skin is seasonal. Not only because of the skin color but also your skin type will tend to change. Next, you'll want to find your foundation tone/category:

With your finger you're going to press anywhere on your inner arm. Quickly lift your finger and examine the color of the mark that's left behind.

If it appears Yellow, then you're in the Warm category.
If it appears Pink, then you're in the Cool category.
If it appears Greenish/Olive, then you're in the Warm/Cool category.

Lastly, you'll want to get at least three foundations that you think might be your color. Make sure you don't have any existing foundation on your face/jaw line. With a Q-Tip, swipe a line on your face/jawline. Don't blend. Do the same with the next two colors. Examine which one fits your skin color the best. Examine it under a room light AND next to a window with natural day light. You'll soon see which one is the best fit.

I know it sounds like a lot of work but it's worth it! Hope I've helped Lily!

Lily P.

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