Beauty Product Reviews

Taking stars for others? What?

As tome trucks on I see ridiculous reasons for peoples review stars. I just read one where the person gave this product 4 stars instead of 5 because SHE claims to be a makeup artist and doesn’t think other people will be able to use this product effectively? Ok...even more idiotic was 4 people found her self righteous judgement helpful! What is the world coming to? This product is phenomenal! The company from where it comes is phenomenal. Let me also mention what an innovative product. You do NOT need special training to put mascara on. New things take time to learn. I encourage people questioning rather or not to get this product go for it! Don’t let a complete stranger claiming to be anything hold you back from what makeup is all about. Have faith in your abilities and have faith in companies that have stood the test of time! (Ie hourglass) In the future I encourage anyone reading this reviews to actually think about what they are reading. People make comments about a lot of irrelevant bs. Don’t take it too seriously. There will always be incompetent people, people who don’t read descriptions prior to purchasing as well as people just blabbing to seem more important or worthy of opinion. Do you, have fun and be someone who experiments and tries new things. You’ll be happier for it. Lastly, stop basing stars and opinions on anything other than YOUR experience. Taking stars away for something you think a complete stranger might encounter is one of the most idiotic things Ive heard all month. Speak for yourself. That’s all you were asked to do! They’re exactly 0 saviors needed in makeup.