Beauty Product Reviews

Thicker Hair in Two Weeks

I’m not sure if it is this system, or the ton of vitamins I take each day, but in two weeks I have, as well as other have, noticed a tremendous change in the quality of my hair. For example:

A) it does not fall out as much- I’m down to a very minimal amount of shedding after shampooing.

B) Noticeable increase of thickness. I would go as far as to say my hair is the same as it was when. Was in my thirties, way before menopause.

C) A growth in areas around my hairline that I thought were receding and that the hair was gone forever.

Now, again, I take tons of vitamins, not only the supplements that come with this course of treatment. I also use the karite deep conditioning mask by Rene Furter, which is a very helpful product as well, as I think it protects against breakage.

This as been my experience with this product. I do not know if others would find this treatment as helpful. I would also urge anyone with serious hair loss to consult a doctor as there might be an underlying medical issue that may need to be addressed that no over the counter product could correct.