Beauty Product Reviews

Perfect color - disaster ingredients

Coconut oil: Go Away! Seriously. RMS, W3LL People (the TM I waited for forever!!!!!!), Ilia (shame), Lilah B. (The packaging alone had me sold...), Studio 78, Nu Evolution, The Organic Pharmacy, Fitglow, Lily Lolo, Kjaer Weis. What the huh? So, those of us with easily clogged (not even "acne prone" or oily) are supposed to use "conventional" cosmetics or mineral powder? I don't know ANYONE who can use coconut oil - not my 70 year old mother, not my 12 year old puberty-suffering cousin, not any of my friends 20s-40s, different skin types, different races, living in different climates - everyone thinks it's gross. It's cheap, greasy, occlusive and inelegant. This is a particularly disappointing foundation, because it's otherwise perfect. The color! I'm platinum with pale (Seattle) skin and the lightest shade is a perfect match for me. I tried a few samples applied only around my eyes, around my nose and mouth and one tiny blemish and it was so nice. I love seeing healthy skin with a minor flaw or two vs. acne or dry patches well covered but still very noticeable It's the only thing as bad as silicones (including silicone-mimicking broccoli seed oil). Somebody - do something. Ugh. It gives me milia and has caused breakouts on my scalp (disgusting) and legs. It's awful. Please, someone do better.