Beauty Product Reviews

Great Smell, Poor Sillage/Longevity

This is an amazing fragrance. I got a trial size of the cream in a subscription box, and while I loved the smell, it wasn't as moisturizing and wonderful for my skin as the Bum Bum Cream, of which I'm a big fan! When I saw it as a body spray, I thought, perfect! Not so much. While it does smell great, it isn't very noticeable, and seems to fade to undetectable very quickly. My husband usually tells me I smell good, but hasn't said a thing the multiple times I've worn this, and I notice that a little later in the day I can't detect it myself and feel like I'm not wearing anything. I get that it's a body spray, but BBW or VS are definitely stronger. It would be ok if you want something super subtle, but when someone leans in for a kiss and still doesn't react, that's pretty subtle, lol. I've been debating returning since it's not exactly cheap, I love the scent, but it's not much good if nobody smells it after 30 minutes. 😭