Beauty Product Reviews

Needs improved sprayer

This might be a great product but the sprayer works worse than my Windex sprayer, or very similarly. For a $80 product this should have a beautiful, perfect mist. Instead it sprays a bunch of product concentrated in one tiny spot. If they improve the function I'd try it again.

Returned, poor formula

Don't know what happened here, but the rest of the reviews say it too. Looking forward to plenty of other CT purchases, but this one had to go back. Not pigmented or buttery, or overall high quality enough to justify a $75 price tag.

Subtle but can build up

I have pretty fair skin so it's hard for highlight to show up very much, so I have to say it's a bit more subtle than I expected. but with building up quite a bit I can get the effect I'm going for. It's such a flattering shade and texture, I think it would be hard to go wrong with this. Thought it's a touch on the warm side. But I still love it and use frequently, day and night!