Pure Ice

Nail Enamel


Amy M.
Can't stop 1021
Photo of product included with review by Amy M.

it is a bright color to use. i love it be ause it automatically pops. Like all colors of this brand it last longer if you apply a bright traslucid coat on the top. i love it.

Amy M.
Shell Pink 314CP Basic
Photo of product included with review by Amy M.

this is a basic color to have. i like it a lot i use it as a base or to make classic french or nude style. it last long on my nails if i out a coat of shine over it. i mean it can last a week or more..

Bry R.

It is okay. Not my favorite in the world. It applies perfectly at the bottom of my nail and as I sweep towards the tip, it just stops painting. Other than that, it only take a couple of coats, dries relatively quick. I don't like how easily it chips though.

Kelsey R.

Okay, there is only one word to describe these; AMAZING. They have a wonderful selection of colours, they're long lasting and they're affordable! In these nail polishes I own China Girl, Outrageous, Wild Thing, Home Run, Get In Line, Jail Bait, Excuse Me, Splash!, New Lilac, and many more! None of these colours have disappointed me. Needless to say, I love these nail polishes and would highly recommend them!

Vanessa W.

I really love the colour selection with this brand. The glitter polishes last nice and long, and are surprisingly easy to remove! I love that! I spent forEVER removing my OPI glitters, even with the foil method it was wasteful. This is much better and I'll be sure to buy more.

Zoe J.

I really enjoy using Pure Ice nail polish. The colors range from bold reds to glossy greens, to glittery golds. I love the variation between colors this brand offers. Nail polishes can be up to $18. The price of pure Ice is a plus. The money I would spend for one channel bottle I can get a few bottles of this brand. The down side of pure ice is it's pretty thin. With 2 coats the color may not be as vibrant as it looked in the bottle. I still think it's a great nail polish for the price. Every time I stop by the drug store I buy myself at lest 5 bottles!

Kandi L.

I love the color selections Pure ICE has. I have Heart Breaker, Cheatin', and Tease. heart Breaker is like a teal glitter color it's very pretty. Cheatin' is a glitter purple shade with purple and blue glitter in it. Tease is a hot pink with glitter in it.

Layn L.
Don't You Wish

This color, Don't You wish, is a nice fine glitter polish that is amazing. The glitter colors only range from orange to blue, but it's a nice summery sort or palette reminiscent or ice cubes in lemonade and sparkling swimming pools. It's also a much easier glitter polish to remove than most because the glitter is small enough that it isn't stubborn and doesn't damage your nails.

Layn L.

That would be the only way to describe this color. It's definitely not opaque, usually needing up to three coats to get full coverage and way too streaky on application for a topcoat for other polishes, but I used it as the based of a halloween themed manicure a year or two back and it looked amazing for portraying teeth with a french tip style blood drip.

Layn L.
Good Background

Most Pure Ice polishes are on the thinner side, which is why I like them so much, but that also means most of them are translucent with one coat. Not this one. Just one thin coat was enough for full coverage for me and it's a perfect brightening background for just that reason, if you don't want to cake nail polish on your nails and you're not into have bright silver nails.