Bath & Body Works

Pocketbac Deep Cleansing Hand Gel Winter Apple


Rachel C.

i friken love this stuff!! they have so many types of it and they all smelled good!! there really cute and they have little things to hold them on your key chain or on your bag! i rtemeber EVERY BODY HAD THESE AT MY SCHOOL!!! it smelled like hand sanitizer every where :)) <3 it!

Kaylee C.
Handy Dandy Sanitizer!

I keep these all over the place! I keep one around my makeup area, I carry one in my purse, I buy extras for restock and for AWESOME gifts, you could keep it in your diaper bag (kids are MESSY) You can have them anywhere!!!

Natasha R.
Perfect for on the Go

My Boss gave me one of these at work for Christmas! I have used it so much and it always comes in handy! Plus the smell better than the unscented ones. I have always had trouble with those. If I use those before I eat, my food ends up tasting like alcohol. But I dont have that problem with these.

Jenna G.
always with me

I have so many of these and they are the perfect size for on the go. I always keep two in my makeup kit to take on site to make sure my hands are sanitized before i touch peoples skin. I also keep one in my purse just incase i need some hand sanitizer through the day.

Jordan W.

This smell is straight up christmas! I had it around the holidays last year and misplaced it after valentine's day. I still had a decent amount in the tube and when I put it into my car after I found it this summer, I started using it again, but now it just smells like alcohol :/ I won't misplace the one I buy this year, though!

Mimi L.
Must have in your purse!

I love these! I always get the Sweet Pea scent, though. They're super small, but they go a long way!

I always always always have one in my purse no matter what. You seriously never know when you'll need it! And there will ALWAYS be those times when you do! Especially if you have a dog. Lol

Jenny L.

I have to carry one of these with me whenever I'm in public. It doesn't dry out your hands like most hand sanitizers and doesn't make them reek strongly. I can use this in front of people without feeling self-concious of smelling like rubbing alcohol.

Katie P.
great when traveling!

I used these constantly when traveling esp when going through airport after airport! and its small enough to fit in your purse. super lightweight. they are perfect! never had this particular smell but all my smells were very strong but pleasant :]

Amanda R.
Funny Story!

I don't have this scent, but i do have the picnic apple one and it smells just like apples! I love these because you can have them anywhere with you. One time I was in a themepark and I came off a ride and decided to put some on my hands. When I did, these 2 ladies were walking off and they started to tell each other how much it smells like apples. Then they started asking each other if they maybe were selling apple cider and so on. My sister and I started giggling! :D

Moya-mae M.
Great brand!

i like to always make sure my hands are clean and sanitized , but i was always used to the strong alcohol based sanitizers without the fruity smells which just dry out my hands!...Then i find this product which kills the germs, leaves my hand smelling sooo sweet and feeling so soft, thanks bath and body works (: