DIY chalkboard: 6 steps!!

I know this isn't beauty related, but look how cute it is.

1. Buy a piece of wood. ( I got mine at my local craft store).

2. If there are rough patches on the wood, sand it down, if there isn't then skip this step.

3. Use one can of chalkboard spray paint ( I got mine at Home Depot).

4. Apply several coats of the paint on the wood. *remember to allow about 5-10 minutes of dry time between coats. **this can be done in a couple of days, so don't stress about getting it done if you are busy between coats. :)

5. In all, at least 6 coats should be applied. **the more coats there are, the easier it is to write in the chalkboard & erase it.

6. When all is dried, have fun with your brand new chalkboard!!

  • Added Jun 1, 2014

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