Homeschool Entrepreneurs

Homeschool Entrepreneurs

Homeschool is a place of opportunity and within it there is a realm of experimentation that cannot take place anywhere else. The homeschool student is not taught to be a perfect cog in the great machine but should be taught that the world is what they make it. Their future is not determined by what school they go to, where they live, or how much money they make. Their future is whatever they decide.

History can show us that the institution of traditional school was created by elite power brokers with the intention of creating a vast labor pool with which to staff their factories. Take a look inside a traditional school to see just this, students are shuffled through a structured school day, complete with lines, bells, drills, and a rigidity that would make a drill sergeant proud.

Thus I finally move to my point. Schooling is about teaching kids how to use and how to one day care for themselves, make their own decisions, and make a living for themselves. Why not teach them about the American early on and actually make it attainable instead of teach them to one day grow up and get a good job so that they can pay their bills. In this age of modern technology when it is possible to start a business from within your home for next to nothing why not make this a home school experiment?

Talk about teaching economics, math, computer skills, communication skill, entrepreneurship, geography, and anything else you can work into a home based business. Let the kid collect any money earned or funnel it into a college fund or some other type of savings account. This is empowerment at its peak and teaching a child that anything is possible and that they are in control of their destiny.

There are many options, from the simple eBay store, to opportunities on craig’s list, to writing a money generating blog, offering some type of service, web design, article generations, etc. With the right contacts, the right software, and support and encouragement from parents a student could really excel at many online opportunities.

I can only imagine my own children on their way to college with the confidence that they have already succeeded and they have already carved out a niche that can support them and allow them to live their dreams in a way of their choosing.

With the right steady guidance, support, and exposure to the proper areas of the internet and the right homeschool software all of this is possible.

  • Added Jun 20, 2019

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