Beauty Product Reviews


I love this. I use it every time I do my makeup. I originally got it to mix a light foundation with a darker one so I could use it. It's a life saver. I also am enjoying the fact that I don't walk around with foundation on the back of my hand. I always forget to take it off. Now that's not a concern. I also feel like I use less product. I put two pumps on and it leaves plenty of foundation left over. Without it, I use the two pumps. Sometimes more. Very worth it.


I have gotten so many compliments when wearing this color. It's a bit deeper than I normally go for, but I had heard so much about it I decided to try it. It's gorgeous on and comfortable as all get out.

So Good!

I love how easy this makes cleaning my brushes. It's so fast. Just swish it around until it comes clean, quick clean over the cleaning mat, rinse, boom-clean brushes. Smells great and leaves everything so clean.