How to make my hair look good?? HELPPP.


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Mar 30, 2014

Miranda G.

It's fried. it's dry. it gets greasy easily. it won't hold curls. it looks terrible natural. it looks poofy when I straighten it. can't put it up because I'll get breakage. what can I do to make it look good? any tips? mostly looking for hairstyles.

Mar 30, 2014

Sarah C.

Totally agree with Jacqlyn! Also I had fried and dried hair! I used its a 10 and literally my hair is 10x better! 😉

Mar 30, 2014

Miranda G.

I have it's a 10 :) & I might cut it more, but not a pixie cut. my face shape can not work that cut :o.

Mar 30, 2014

Sapphire K.

Miranda, do you live in a dry climate? If so, don't use the keratin stuff everyday, alternate between that and a deep conditioner.

Mar 30, 2014

Noelle M.

Braid your top layer or bangs then pin it back (:

Mar 30, 2014

Miranda G.

Ah, I do not live in a relatively dry climate.

Mar 30, 2014

Amrit K.

Don't put any kind of heat on and before washing your hair put coconut oil for 2 hours and air dry your hair!! Do not Wash your hair often like everyday give some time to it!!... Try these tips I bet girl your hair going to turn out really great and if you have hard time going out just put your hair in braid fishtail or a bun! Enjoy (:

Mar 30, 2014

Aurora S.

It can be due to it needing more moisture or protein. Get a treatment with protein like keratin. And another that's more for moisturizing like a macadamia oil one. I know Sally's has a treatment that is macadamia oil based and has other oils like jojoba oil and almond oil and it's at a good price. Use a protein one about once or twice a week one week then the macadamia oil on twice a week the next week. After a protein treatment use your regular conditioner afterwards because most protein treatments can make the hair slightly knotted and such.

Mar 30, 2014

Martha G.

Trust me on this one, use marrocan argon oil and styling cream it helps a lot!

Mar 30, 2014

Kat A.

Cut off your damaged ends. use coconut oil to strengthen & add moisture back to your hair. don't dye your hair. use as little heat as possible. it's a 10 has a good heat protectant. check pinterest & YouTube for no heat hairstyles. :)

Mar 30, 2014

Kat A.

Also, don't wash your hair every day. it strips your hair of its natural oils so then it produces more & more oil to make up for it. in between washes use a dry shampoo or baby powder. batiste has good dry shampoo.

Mar 31, 2014

Kaitlyn H.

Cut it!! At first you'll have a heart attack but in the long run you'll have a unique, easy manageable do!

Mar 31, 2014

Roberta R.

I find that my hair looks puffy when I brush them so maybe look for a better brush that suits you.