Dermatologist? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


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Jul 23, 2014

Vanessa T.

I was wondering if you guys knew of any dermatologist in raleigh & not too expensive??.. Thankss.

Jul 23, 2014

Hannah K.

Where is Raleigh?

Jul 23, 2014

Hannah K.

If you go onto and type in where you live you'll find some, there should be reviews with it too. Not all of us (like me) live in the US, so posting your town in sort of pointless unless you post what country it's in too.

Jul 23, 2014

Shelley W.

They are all going to run about the same in regards to price. If you have insurance the provider should be able to give you list of derms that work within the network. If not I suggest going onto the American Academy of Dermatology to locate one in your area.