Job Fair-Business Casual.


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Jul 22, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

I'm going to a job fair tomorrow and need a little help, all suggestions are welcome. I'm wearing black dress pants for sure if that helps.
Thanks everyone!

Jul 22, 2014

Mari F.

I am currently in college taking a class on this very subject! lol black dress pants are great because it gives you a chance to jazz up your shirt design if you wanted to. I say a simply patterned blouse with a blazer matching or a dark dark colored. Appropriate heels either matching the shirt or a just a color that goes well. non dangling earrings or small hoops, no colored eyeshadow.. um.. that's all I can think of it's not too hard to dress pro and still be you and cute/girly.. good luck!! p.s. unrelated but don't forget your portfolio and more than one copy of your resume lol ;)

Jul 22, 2014

Kat A.


Jul 22, 2014

Kat A.


Jul 22, 2014

Kat A.


Jul 22, 2014

Kat A.