Does it really work?


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Dec 3, 2014

Gloria G.

I heard rubbing the inside of a banana peel will really help fade out any scars or dark spots. Is it true? Have any of yaw tried it?

Dec 3, 2014

Shanae J.

I've heard of that too.. never tried it though.

Dec 3, 2014

Jenna M.

Personally there is no way it is going to heal a scar. A scar is damaged tissue and a banana is not that miraculous.

Dec 3, 2014

Gloria G.

Well yeah I know it won't fade everything right away or anything like that, but I read it has benefits, aaaand it makes your skin really soft. I just wanted to really know

Dec 3, 2014

Gisell G.

My cousin was actually doing that for a while & surprisingly his skin felt really soft

Dec 3, 2014

Gloria G.

Wow really? That's actually good to hear lol

Dec 3, 2014

Gisell G.

Yeah & he had really rough skin being that he doesn't do much to it, the banana peel helped a lot actually

Dec 3, 2014

Gloria G.

Interesting, I might end up trying it out for myself lol but thanks

Dec 3, 2014

Emily W.

Rubbing anything on rough dry skin is going to act as an exfoliant, resulting in comparatively smoother skin. She would've had the same result with a wash cloth.