Immortal pimple? Help!


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Dec 2, 2014

Shanae J.

This "pimple" WILL NOT go away. It's really irritated and feels bruised around it, really tender too. I've been waiting for it to go away by itself and that hasn't worked, it's been about a month. What else could I do? What else could it be?

Dec 2, 2014

Troi W.

Make sure you clean and exfoliate your face, and moisturize really good. Then take a trip to cvs, Walgreens, target, Walmart whichever and pick up 'neutrogena fade away gel' I swear by this stuff. Put it directly on your blemish at night and when you wake up the blemish and the redness is gone! It's worth it, hope this helps!

Dec 2, 2014

Shanae J.

Thank you so much! That was extremely helpful. I really appreciate it. <3.

Dec 2, 2014

Lisa S.

Advil Liquid Gels helps reduce swelling! I do this when a get pimples like that and it really helps (just break open or poke a hole in the capsule and apply to pimple) and use Neosporin along with the liquid gel then top with a bandaid. Be careful with exfoliating because you are only going to make it worse if you do it too often, in this case I would maybe exfoliate once a week because you don't want to irritate it even more, and just use a gentle cleanser. Also I use Cortizone 10 ointment (I don't like cream) and applying with the Neosporin or a alone and topping with bandaid overnight (mine usually falls off during the night so only a couple of hours is fine) but this also is going to help reduce the swelling and redness.

Dec 3, 2014

Ashley I.

Omg I had two pimples between my brows that wouldn't go away... Try turning the tap on its hottest setting, wet a small area of a cloth with it, then press it to the pimple for a minute or two. Immediately rub soap into it after. Repeat in the morning and night if possible! Good luck!

Dec 3, 2014

Pixie P.

Is is yellowish-white? :) If it is it could be a milia. But don't worry it's nothing to worry about, those are just harmless globs. Basically you don't have a pore there so the sebum can't get out and it's there, you can just exfoliate regulary and you wouldn't get this problem. Don't brutally scrub your face with soaps and chemicals too frequently cause then you'd help it more. Just exfoliate and the skin around it will become thinner. It should go away on it's own in a fiew weeks but if it doesn't just go to your esthetician and she'll take care of it in 2-3 minutes. She'll just clean your face and then take a little neeedle to pop it ( you could say she'll create a pore). It doesn't hurt at all, don't worry :) It won't leave a scar or any damage.

Shanae J.

College Station, Texas. <3