Under The Skin Pimple Prevention Help!


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Nov 21, 2014

Sandra J.

In the past few month I've been struggling with under the skin pimples and I finally found a way to control them and help they dry up and go away but now that my skin is back to normal I've noticed my face is starting to hurt like it would when a new pimple was going to come out. leaving me to wonder how can I prevent these pesky little monsters to even come up in the first place? (and I know that the best thing to do is to go to the dermatologist but I don't really want to do that).

Nov 21, 2014

Sandra J.


Nov 21, 2014

Hannah D.

I have the same issue and I've seen a Derm and honestly there isn't much more I can do she said. I'm using epiduo and aczone and she said the longer I keep using them the better my face will be. I'm definitely following this*** I need help too!! Haha

Nov 21, 2014

Sandra J.

Thank you so much Sandy :) honestly the o lyrics reason that I don't want to go to the dermatologist is because it's so expensive. I called to make sure how much it would be and it's $100 just for a consultation plus whatever they tell me to take to make it better. I just think that's crazy! but if there is no other way I think I will end up having to go to the dermatologist at the end because I really want to end this.

Nov 21, 2014

Sandra J.

The only reason * (gosh my cell phone changes everything lol)

Nov 21, 2014

Ellie K.

If y

Nov 21, 2014

Ellie K.

If you do get them, try Sudocrem (or diaper cream) - it's a great budget option. The antiseptic ingredients help to stop the blemish from getting inflamed.

Nov 21, 2014

Sandra J.

Sandy- Yes, I'm sure??I called and asked that's why I kind of dread the idea of a dermatologist. But all of your information was great! Thanks you so much! :)

Nov 21, 2014

Sandra J.

thanks Ellie :)

Nov 22, 2014

Yaira D.

Dot tea tree oil (:

Nov 22, 2014

Olivia R.

There's not a whole lot you can do with them to be honest. The moment you feel one developing treat it right away! Whatever you do, do not pick them. Nothing will come out as it's too deep and you shall be left with a scab that shall result in months of post inflammatory pigmentation and maybe even a permanent scar. Add ice to the pimple as often as possible to keep the swelling down plus this shall help with the pain. Add aloe vera or tree to the pimple. Just try not to aggravate it (I learnt this the hard way...multiple times) and it may be gone within 4 days max

Nov 22, 2014

Brandy S.

I suffered from cystic acne also. It is hormonal, so most products aren't going to work-- you need to get your hormones in check. For me, it was my birth control that was messing up my hormones. I switched and no longer have the cystic acne