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Hi Ladies,
Anyone with rosacea?

Dec 28, 2011

Robyn B.

oooh man, i wish i saw that a few weeks ago! i have terrible rosacea, and ive been looking for new products to try.

its nice to know there is more out there for it :) ill have to look into these products!

Dec 28, 2011

Amy P.

i don't know if i have rosacea, people always assume it is acne, but im scared to think it is rosacea, anyways it's nice of you to give these out to help people with rosacea :)

Thanks Amy. If u have issues with redness you should try a powder palette from Physicians Formula it's all green. Green counteracts red so it will reduce your redness. 

Jan 11, 2012

Laurel G.

i have rosacea but its not severe so it just looks like i have nice coloring :P

Jan 15, 2012

Bella P.

My rosacea is really bad :(
My face is all blotchy and pink. Nothing works on it. 

Jan 24, 2012

Sofia C.

When I hit puberty, I acquired severe rosacea on my cheeks. I went to my dermatologist who prescribed me a topical cream and it all soon went away. So that's first things first, because it is a skin condition and there is medication for it. After I ran out of that I started moisturizing daily since it was something I never did before and now I dont even need any medication. It's still a little blotchy and uneven, but no flakes or very obvious flare ups. There are a lot of moisturizers that claim they 'relieve redness'. Clinique has an entire line. But as for me, just focus on mosturizing the area with rosacea. 

Jan 26, 2012

Catherine T.

My friend and I have been using Somme Institute 5-Step Regimen and it has transformed our skin! My friend has rosacea and the 5-Step Regimen has improved her skin tone and reduced the redness. She said it was really moisturizing,which is also great for winter, and great for sensitive skin. Before we tried Somme Institute 5-Step Regimen, we did some research and found pictures from their clinical trials of people with rosacea. We were really impressed and decided to give it a try. Now we're in love and can't go back to using anything else!

Hope this helps!

Jan 26, 2012

Micaela C.

I have rosacea and going to the dermatologist did not even help with it. My face is really red and very oily at all times. Ive tried the metrogel and metrocream and it did nothing for me. I just lived with covering it up with estee lauder makeup and that is what I have been using. I hope you find a remedy and you can share it. I also use retin a and that seems to help with the acne.

Jan 27, 2012

Myshel D.

My mother has suffered from Rosacea and the one must have she uses is Cetaphil. And recently I read Sheer Cover cosmetics is good for those who suffer from rosacea.

I don't see how how Sheer Cover is good for rosacea. Read the ingredients.

I'm currently using a product I won in a giveaway and so far like it. I'll eventually have a review on it.

Jul 23, 2012

Kate C.

My mother and I also suffer from rosacea, it gets so bad that even if our upper chest is exposed to sunlight we get covered in red angry bumps, and it's not heat rash. It sucks, I even use SPF 100 and nothing helps. 

Aug 9, 2012

Bridget C.

Rodan + Fields has a line for hypersensitive skin... I'm here to learn, but I can connect you... it's sold through a network... LMK...

Aug 9, 2012

Shelley W.

My hubby has it and he uses a cleanser and moisturizer from Aveeno geared just for the condition. Though I'm wondering if they discontinued it because I wasn't able to find it at my local Target the other day. 

Aug 9, 2012

Tia B.

I have several clients with rosacea I refer them to use Dr Murad Redness Therapy line it treats and conceals