How would I ask for this haircut?


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Apr 28, 2012

Zoe C.

I've had the same hairdresser since I was 11, so she knows me well. Apart from going short, I've had the same haircut for most of my life, but I really want this:

Especially the fringe. My hair looks like this at the moment:

I'll show her the pictures too, but it's a lot easier to tell someone because it's hard to find good pictures. So how do I explain to her what I want? :S

Apr 28, 2012

S S.

I don't really know how to describe could just say you want Hayley Williams' style and also have someone draw a sketch (or do it yourself if you want) of the style so you can see it clearly. I think the second pic is pretty clear though.


Apr 28, 2012

Dana K.

I would probably ask for a layered bob, and then you can elaborate on it how ever you want according to your style. :)

Apr 28, 2012

Zoe C.

Thanks :) I love Hayley's hair but I've never managed to get the same style myself, lots and lots of layers! :P

Apr 28, 2012

Machya A.

You could ask for a long bob (Its a bit longer than a normal one) With it a bit more layered and thicker on top, Although not not much! Layers is the key~ Also take a picture and maybe she/he can see your priority!

Apr 28, 2012

Tina M.

i would just print the picture and take to your hairdresser 

Apr 29, 2012

Angela C.

I just bring pictures with me, even after many years with the same wonderful person. The best thing would be to find multiple pics that are very similar, and discuss with her what you like and don't like about each look. I've done this even with someone new, and it works out really well. She can ask you what you want done here, how you want the back, these ends, etc. and you'll end up with exactly the haircut you want!

Bringing the picture always help get your vision of your hair across to your stylist! It's a really cute bob and I love the bangs! =]

Apr 29, 2012

Zoe C.

Thanks everyone :) I'm going to find lots of pictures from different angles so she's got more to work from :)