What inspired you to become a makeup artist?


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Apr 16, 2012

Denise H.

There is always one special thing that sparks the " I wanna be a makeup artist" feeling. Do you remember what it was?

Apr 16, 2012

Tessi O.

I'm still in the /way/ beginning stages, but it pretty much comes from a mixture of always being artsy and into creating things and being the "ugly, fat girl" of middle/high school.

What about you, Denise?

Apr 16, 2012

Hannah M.

I'm not even out of highschool yet, but for me it's because I want to help people feel like they really are beautiful, with or without makeup. I have such terrible acne right now and have for the last few years. It's such a horrible feeling. I don't want anyone to feel the way I have.

Apr 16, 2012

Denise H.

Tessi, you will be suprised how many people felt that way. The funny thing is, I bet you have the most beautiful personality and the people that surround you everyday, who know and love you, have never seen you as the "ugly,fat girl". I use to think that!!! I was 230 pounds in high school, thats alot when your 5'6. Even if your just beginning, don't stop creating cause the more we do (notice I said we, cause Im learning too) the better we will get. Hugs and kisses to you girlfriend- Hannah doll don't be at all alarmed at your acne hopefully as you get older it's something that will get better! I have adult acne!!!! AHHHHH I've always had clear skin until lately I wake up and Im like " what on earth is happening to my face". I now use Cetaphil (I think I spelled that right) and it works for me, let me know if you have tried it lots of luv to you girls xoxox
P.S I have a few moments, my favorite was when I went to the MAC counter and the girl took her belt off and gave it to me and said " you know what your doing, Im going to lunch! " lol it was sooo nice of her. I didn't even work there but, I practically live at the counter and I was with my friend and I got to practice on her face!!!! OOOOOh that brush belt was so shexy lol so many brushes SOOO MANY BRUSHES!!!!! And I got to play with everything, sooo much fun.

Apr 17, 2012

Tessi O.

Haha, that sounds so fun! And thanks, Denise. :3

Apr 17, 2012

Serena B.

Me. Grade Two. My mom unloading old makeup items to make way for her Mary Kay. Me. Playing Makeup artist on all my friends. http://beautybyserena.com/

Apr 18, 2012

Danielle C.

Its a few reasons i became one... 1 needed to make extra money 2 not allowed to wear makeup (religious reasons) so i might as well put it on others and 3 i love makeup and skincare lol