Emjoi Epilators


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Has anyone ever tried an epilator from Emjoi? We just started carrying one at the store I work at, and I've been looking to try an epilator for a long time. I can't remember off the top of my head what model it is, but I know it can be used corded or cordless, and has a shaver attachment, which sounds like an awesome bonus to me!
Basically I want to know if this is worth a go, it's only about $40, and I would get a discount ;D

Mar 21, 2012

Soma S.

I use the red Emjoi Emagine - although not the BEST epillator I've tried, it's supposedly their best under that brand... and Emjoi is supposed to be one of the top epillators on the market. The best one I did try happened to be a friend's that was given to her by her aunt in Japan. If only I can hunt that thing down, but I doubt I'll ever figure it out.

As for the Emagine, it's not bad, but it certainly takes a few passes to get the tiny stray hairs. I still prefer epillating over shaving/waxing just because I don't run the risk of cutting/burning myself. You do run the risk of getting ingrowns, so exfoliate well! I use the Japanese Salux towels, and they're AMAZING and AFFORDABLE!

Ps: I wouldn't go cordless because you kind of want all the juice you can get when it comes to power.

Hope this helps!  =)

I think it's called the Emjoi Chic. It's small, only 21 tweezers, so I'm thinking it might take a while, but it STILL seems like a better alternative to shaving! xD

Mar 21, 2012

Soma S.

ANYTHING is better than shaving! XD

I mean, I risk ingrown hairs shaving too... but at least epilators have a fail-safe method of making sure you do not cut yourself! [I'm all for gory movies, but when I see my own blood, I get dizzy and light-headed like a pansy] =/

I think the number of tweezers makes a small difference of how fast it removes hair. As of now, they all have the same amount of surface area that makes contact with your skin, so it should just take a few extra passes to make up for lack of tweezers.  =)

Mar 21, 2012

Lisa U.

They are the best Epilators by a mile :) xox.

Exactly, ANYTHING is better than shaving! I realize the number of tweezers is sort of low compared to other ones I've looked at. But I figure, It'll take a few days to remove all the hair completely since it all grows at different rates, so either way, its gonna take a while, but totally worth not shaving!