Short hair advice?


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Mar 13, 2012

Taylor L.

My hair has grown out a bit, mainly because my peers make me feel as though a girl is only beautiful if she has long hair, (I know, what?) but I still keep getting the urge to cut it shorter. I just want to ask a community for their opinion- Should I cut off a few inches and have a cut similar to Jessica Stroup's bob?

Mar 13, 2012

Yolanda N.

I think I would look great :) short hair is so easy and fun! The only bad thing is there is not much to do with it. I would do it and have done it, hair grows... 

Mar 13, 2012

Mindy N.

Seriously, hair grows back! So if you have the urge to cut it, cut it!!

Mar 13, 2012

Rashel M.

I love short hair, the only picture I have on here is my mo hawk. Right now my hair is to my mid back. I would cut it short again, but my husband says he likes my hair long ..(of course) hair does grow back so I say go for it :-) 

I miss my short hair. I keep it long because my grandfather gave me hell for cutting my hair short... that and I'm in the process of losing weight to make my bone structure stand out more so that short hair will compliment it... but ANYHOW!!!

Who said short hair wasn't sexy? Kelly Carlson rocked the short hair in Nip Tuck, so have Rihanna, Keri Helson Kiera Knightly, Jessica Alba, Lauren Cohan etc... Plus, it's so much easier to maintain (in my opinion at least.). I think a Jessica Stroup bob is a fantastic haircut and you should definitely go for it!!!! 

Mar 14, 2012

Heather M.

I more recently chopped mine and it's been so much fun. Like Mindy said above, it grows back!!!

Mar 14, 2012

Sofia C.

I've had waist length hair for several years now and I just cut my hair into something very similar to jessica stroup's bob, just a bit shorter and blunt and at first I was devastated but after only a couple of days I appreciate short hair SO MUCH MORE than long hair. even though it's not a competition, it really does make someone stand out so much more these days. it frames your face better, easier to maintain, many benefits. if youre sexy, youre sexy. hair is only a plus, but never necessarily a minus. and it could just so happen that your well suited to the short hair, and it's your plus. go for it :) 

Mar 14, 2012

Heather H.

I have to disagree with Yolanda because there is so much you can do with short hair. The only thing you can't do is put it in a ponytail. So many different cuts and ways to style it. I LOVE short hair and my hair has been short for years.

Once hair is past your ears, growing it out isn't painful IMO, so a bob wouldn't be the worst to grow out when you want to. You have a great face so you can pull off almost any hairstyle.

I had short hair for years and LOVED it. Up until recently I had a faux hawk. My profile pic is what it looks like now because I'm growing it out again but I would cut it short again sometime.

Short hair is super low maintenance Basically all I did was wet it and mess it up and that was "styling" for me :D

Mar 17, 2012

Amelia R.

Oh God, I love Jessica Stroup's haircut. The one thing I'd consider is the texture of your hair. I know some girls with a lot of wave in their hair and when they cut it, the curls became a lot tighter and it looked really strange. But if you want to cut your hair, do whatever you want, being a beautiful woman is not dependent on having long hair.

Mar 20, 2012

Bee K.

My hair grows so slowly! But, if it didn't I would totally do Michelle William's Pixie cut! it's SO cute! 

Bee- I cut my hair to that PIC. I love Michelle Williams. I was recently trying to grow my hair out for 6 months. It was going great but I just missed the short hair. It is much easier to deal with and more time for my makeup :) Plus it grows back. I love short is sexy and you should go for it! You will love it

Mar 20, 2012

Ashley B.

I've been considering that, too! It's so hot I'm dieing with my long hair, but it's been so long since I've cut my hair to be above the shoulders, scary stuff!

Mar 20, 2012

Bee K.

The problem with me having short hair is that my hair puffs up and it looks like I was just shocked or something. I realized the weight of my longer hair was easier to manage, but I do miss the short hair in the shower!

Mar 20, 2012

Heather H.

@Bee K. Short hair has the tendency to do that on people with thick or course hair, a good fix for that is lots of texture to thin it out and add more shape, otherwise we do look like we're wearing a football helmet. :)